

Williams College | Hong Kong International School

Hi, I'm Annika and I'll be attending Williams College in the fall and am interested in majoring in Computer Science and Environmental Science. I have a passion for teaching and guiding students with past experience such as HKIS teaching assistant, founder & leader of a club, and National Honors Society member. A fun fact about me is that I can introduce myself in 7 languages.







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Williams College | Hong Kong International School

Hi, I'm Annika and I'll be attending Williams College in the fall and am interested in majoring in Computer Science and Environmental Science. I have a passion for teaching and guiding students with past experience such as HKIS teaching assistant, founder & leader of a club, and National Honors Society member. A fun fact about me is that I can introduce myself in 7 languages.

As someone who has experience teaching different types of students, my methodology would be to stay flexible and work in a way that maximizes the student's learning experience. For example, I would include more charts and graphs, as well as photos for a visual learner whereas for a auditory learner, it would be more of a lecture-based class.







Tutoring Experience

My teaching experience/ leadership experience includes:

1. TA for HKIS Humanities 1 in Action:

- TAed a class of 30+ freshman students in the course Humanities I in Action, hosted weekly review sessions, and helped organize and oversee the HKIS Elixir Project (community service) for students

2. Founder & Leader Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Club:

- Organized biweekly meetings and bimonthly events, including hosting a sustainable thrift store at school and an annual solar light drive, creating informational social media posts, and moderating guest speaker sessions (Head of ESG at Mayor Brown)

- Raised USD21,000 for the annual charity project, Give the Gift of Light, which enabled a donation of 600 solar-powered lights to refugee children around the world through NGO SolarBuddy

- The sole sophomore to receive the 2021 James Handrich Endowment fund (USD7,000) in recognition and support of my service work

3. Leader of HKIS Alto Women's Choir:

- Organized choir practices before and after school for a group of 20+ students, led sectional practices

4. National Honors Society Mentor:

- Acted as a mentor to incoming freshman and sophomore HKIS students

- Guided junior students through the college admissions process by giving talks during Seminar

Tutoring Approach

As someone who has experience teaching different types of students, my methodology would be to stay flexible and work in a way that maximizes the student's learning experience. For example, I would include more charts and graphs, as well as photos for a visual learner whereas for a auditory learner, it would be more of a lecture-based class.

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