

Hong Kong International School

Hi! My name is Christopher, and I'm currently a Senior at Hong Kong International School. My passions include playing soccer, hanging out with friends, and in particular, helping other students improve their academic confidence. I sympathize with any students who may be unconfident in their academic abilities, and I'm more than willing to help!







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Hong Kong International School

Hi! My name is Christopher, and I'm currently a Senior at Hong Kong International School. My passions include playing soccer, hanging out with friends, and in particular, helping other students improve their academic confidence. I sympathize with any students who may be unconfident in their academic abilities, and I'm more than willing to help!

As a tutor, my most important job is to boost the student's academic confidence, as I believe that academic confidence holds the key to optimized academic performance. I try to increase academic confidence through practice, repetition, and positive feedback. I also make sure to prepare several different methods to explain concepts; sometimes, explaining a concept one way does not stick to the student well, and as a tutor who emphasizes understanding over memorization (although memorization may sometimes be necessary), explanation of concepts in a way that students can understand is very important.







Tutoring Experience

I am currently a Teaching Assistant for Honors Physics at HKIS. Through being a Teaching Assistant, I've gained so much teaching experience and learned how to teach physics. I also have experience teaching younger students. Academically, I specialize in physics, chemistry, and math, having received Academic Excellence awards in both Honors Physics and AP Chemistry.

Tutoring Approach

As a tutor, my most important job is to boost the student's academic confidence, as I believe that academic confidence holds the key to optimized academic performance. I try to increase academic confidence through practice, repetition, and positive feedback. I also make sure to prepare several different methods to explain concepts; sometimes, explaining a concept one way does not stick to the student well, and as a tutor who emphasizes understanding over memorization (although memorization may sometimes be necessary), explanation of concepts in a way that students can understand is very important.

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